# What is cwg
cwg is image gallery creator GNU Bash script. I wrote it with one thing in my mind: simplicity. It uses ImageMagick for image manipulation so you will have to install it. Anyway script will alert you if you dont have nessesary thins for start!
# What image types are supported?
Tricky question. By default cwg uses identify
for information about picture geometry (in X and Y sizes). Since there are various image formats arround there should be many commands for geometry info so i picked JPG/JPEG format as only supported format in cwg script. Why? Well im lazy to write so much code. Anyway you can use many programs to convert your BMP|TIF|TGA|PNG|SVG|RAW images to JPEG. Then just start cwg and voila.
# How does it exactly works
Here are the steps for gallery creation in cwg:
!! Please note: step 4 is called for every single image. So basically when script process one picture in step 4 it will start again for next picture.
# Anything else?
Well, there are one "issue": code was first in Serbian in total but i changed some parts so i can create translations but core source (function names, vars etc.) are still in Serbian. I will not change this since there was no complains about this.
Also notice this: wehn you input image gemoetry (in script prompt) you will need to enter X size only (so for 1024x768 you will enter 1024, for 1600x1200 you will enter 1600 etc). This way script will create galleries with good image resize ratio (some pictures use 16:4, some 8:9...).
- Setting up translations and fixing them [Done] - Adding support for more image types - Speeding up the script [Done] - Fixing theme issues [Done] - Adding CSS3 themes [Done] - Improving documentation [Done] - Adding option to display filename on index of gallery [Done]